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To my future partner

Okay here’s the thing. There’s no way that we won’t headbutt, right? So let’s make an agreement before we walk along the aisle. Be honest with EVERYTHING. Don’t hide anything from each other because that would break the firm foundation of this relationship: trust. Your feelings matter. The moment one of us feels scared because of others' actions, tell. We might need some time to process each of our feelings. But that’s okay. Take all the time we need, and whenever we’re ready, let’s have that conversation. Oh, and remember our safe word! My first and foremost love language is word of affirmation. So when we’re apart, simple chats like good morning, I love you, and validations to my feelings would mean a lot to me. But only chatting won’t be enough to create a certain amount sense of connection. Calling would provide that.  Another thing that would make me feel our connections is hugging and kissing. Hence, the rule of No byes without kisses and hugs will come into effect once...
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Indonesia Emas 2045

      Kata pertama yang langsung terpikir dalam benak saya adalah berubah. Semuanya pasti akan berubah mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Yang bisa mengikuti akan terus maju dan yang tidak pasti akan terseret. Posisi kita sebagai pemuda di masa tersebut bergantung pada apa yang kita pilih, menjadi orang yang mau berusaha atau menjadi orang yang hanya terseret perkembangan zaman.           Salah satu pilar pembangunan Indonesia emas 2045 adalah pemerataan pembangunan. Hal ini sangat penting mengingat masih terdapat daerah di Indonesia yang terbelakang. Terbelakang disini dimaksudkan dalam segi infrastruktur. Tanpa Infrastruktur yang memadai maka segala bentuk kegiatan di berbagai sektor pasti akan terhambat dan juga dapat memunculkan konflik baru. Dengan adanya pemerataan pembangunan, setiap daerah di Indonesia dapat dijangkau dengan sangat mudah dan kota-kota baru bisa memfasilitasi kebutuhan hidup masyarakat.      Dimana ada peru...

Choose your own violin

Today my school held an event called Aspiration day. Just like the sound of it. We as a student must write our aspiration to make our school better. And there are some guests star too. But sadly I cannot attend the event due to my violin exam is coming. So, instead of making an arguement text about aspiday. I'm going to write argument about modern violin vs old violin. Which one has a better voice? The sound of violin is determined by the woods. The more it's been dried the more beautiful the voice of the violin. That's why violin must be kept in a dry place. And old violin like Stradivarius made from a very good woods that make the sound sweet. And with modern technology, now modern violins are made after the old model. And from how the make the body of the violin itself matter. There was a sosial experiment to violinist to try modern vs old violins with their eyes closed and the result that most of them preferred the modern violins. The price? Violin has a variety ...

SMAN 3 goes to Bali

Day 1 This is the day that I waited so long. I searched a lot about Bali before I go to the airport. They say that Bali has a lot of good places to visit. I really enthusiast about GWK or Garuda Wisnu Kencana because that statue is really humongous. At the airport, I met with my classmates and others too. we waited for so long to check in our baggage and get our ticket but we're still excited about Bali. We took an airplane from Husein Sastra Negara to I Gusti Ngurahrai International airport. And luckily I and my classmates got the first ticket there. After we landed, we can feel the air is kinda heavy with some kind of oils I guess and It is really hot there. We were welcomed by many people there. I can tell by their distinct clothes that they are Balinese. How they dress and how they do their hair are different from other ethnical regions. We went to Tanah Lot, there we can take a lot of pictures with beautiful backgrounds. Tanah Lot is actually a beach with a Pura on the...


Yo!! Welcome back to my blog ;) So in today's post, I'm going to write all about Edupassion Edupassion is a program which Senior Highschool 3 made. Since after we graduate Senior Highschool we're going to University, so we have to search for information about universities that we want to go. And luckily Edupassion is the right place to go. In Edupassion there are so many Universities stands and they would happily give us information about their school. Everyone is invited to Edupassion from the 10th grade to the 12th grade. It is so important for the 12th grade to go to this program so they made it a mandatory program for the 12th grade. I kinda disappointed in this year's program because the university that came is fewer than the last year. But anyway I'm going to share what I've got in there. So what made me interested there was the INZELA stand. It's actually not a university stand but it's a company stand. A company which could help people t...

Kayla's Letter of recommendation by Karima

Kayla's Letter of recommendation by Karima I would like to recommend Kayla Faisal for DKV department. I have known Kayla for 2 years. She is really ambitious and passionate about her dreams. She already has a straight goal to get accepted into FSRD in ITB and gets into DKV department and majoring there. She wants to finish her bachelor degree there for 4 years and get a scholarship overseas.  She wants to study animation overseas to get experience and being accepted as an intern there. She really loves art and really determined about getting into animation industry after getting her bachelor degree. She also easily driven and motivated so companies won't be disappointed for hiring her.  After that, she wants to get her master degree overseas.  The first competition she entered is the Southeast Asia Creative Camp for 2D animation and her work was so astounding considering her background from a public  high school. She studied animation for les...


My dearest friend Hello there...... How are you, my friend? It had been so long since the last time I wrote you a letter. You know what. There are so many school programs in my school. It's really-really fun here in Bandung. Last year me and my classmate gone camping and just after the new year we're going to Cibereum village to help our foster parents there and built our character more. And this week we had edupassion. Well, I don't think you know what edupassion is since you're sooo farr away from my place. Because of that I already make some "short" explanation about it.  Edupassion is actually a school activities program where either university from a foreign count or from Indonesia itself introduce their college programs to us, student, from grade 10 to grade 12. Especially for grade 12 because they're going to go to college soon enough.  Do you remember what is my dream school? Well, I was lucky because in edupassion there was a stand called IN...